RollerCoaster Tycoon World delayed till early 2016

Atari’s Mattlab has announced in a production blog that RollerCoaster Tycoon World will be delayed from 10 December 2015 to some time in early 2016. The reason for this is all the feedback they received from the first beta weekend at the end of October.

As we remember the beta weekend in October focussed on the new coaster builder. However the coaster builder wasn’t that easy to use for many people and had lots of issues. Some of the other things that were in the beta, such as fences and the new on demand grid did receive many positive reactions either, that’s why Atari has decided to delay the game. The second beta weekend, which should have taken place at the end of November has also been delayed to some time in December and will focus again on the coaster builder.

Many of you loved the game, some found certain aspects frustrating, and you all had tons of thoughtful suggestions for improvements. Based on your feedback and our own internal processes, here is a short list of features that will significantly improve the final product: easier “predefined piece” coaster building, additional coaster test feedback, a robust fencing tool, improved on-demand grid, and various smaller improvements.

To accommodate these improvements, and ensure that RollerCoaster Tycoon World will be the best, most innovative RCT experience to date, we will launch the game in early 2016. The new launch date will be communicated after the second preview.

Read the full production blog

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