RollerCoaster Tycoon World releases on 10th December, pre-orders opened!

The release date for RollerCoaster Tycoon World has now been confirmed trough it’s steam page. RollerCoaster Tycoon World will still be launching in 2015, 10th December to be exact. It will be a worldwide release.

RollerCoaster Tycoon World can now also be pre-ordered on the official website. The game will come in 3 editions, the standard, deluxe and ultimate editions. The standard addition will give you the game and some pre-order bonuses if you pre-order. The deluxe edition will have some additional maps, terrain textures, an art book, an extra mascot costume and a golden entrance. The ultimate edition is the same as the deluxe edition but will also give you RCT 1, 2 and 3 on steam.

Everyone who pre-orders any of the games additions will get access to the 2 beta weekend in which they will beta test the game. These weekends will be in late October and late november. People who pre-order the game will also get an additional 5 special peep skins.

RollerCoaster Tycoon World Pre-Orders


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RollerCoaster Tycoon World at PAX Prime in Seattle

RollerCoaster Tycoon World recaps PAX Prime

Atari’s producer Mattlab has posted a RollerCoaster Tycoon World production blog number 17. This blog recaps what has happend at Pax Prime 2015. He also quickly mentions that we will get a dates for the pre-orders, beta and release soon.

Now that our team is back from PAX Prime 2015, it’s time to recap some of the great news from the show! It was full of surprises for both fans and our developers.  From the Alienware sponsored Twitch stream of the game, to press interviews, and to exclusive demos with our Contest Winners – it was definitely a wild ride.

Read the full blog post

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Parkitect, where they are so far

Around the same time last year, Parkitect started it’s kickstarter campaign. The campain would be funded 19 days later with 130% more than what was needed to make the game. In this post we look back at what they’ve accomplished so far.

The game started as a small experiment by programmer Sebastian Mayer, posting updates on the TIGSource forum in April of 2014. Soon his experiments became rather popular and at some monent Garret Randell stepped in to make some artwork. Later Garret probably asked Gordon McGladdery to come along for the ride. Gordon would start making the soundtrack and sounds for Parkitect. Now 1 year has passed and Parkitect is about to get in the hands of people in the form of a public alpha.  (more…)

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